Been an agent for 20+ yrs. so I can address the Ins. issues.
First, policies vary from state to state so you'll have to read yours; talk about a soporific... yawn...
As an overview the dwelling (bldg.) is usually covered (perils insured against) by "special form" (aka "all risk"). In English that means anything that happens is covered EXCEPT those perils specifically excluded (Exclusions). The flooring, walls, ceiling and anything permanantly attached thereto are generally considered "building". Therefore a leak, as long as it's "sudden and accidental" (read no sledge hammer) and NOT "continous and/or repeated seepage (excluded), would be covered; subject to the deductible of cource.
The contents (possessions, ie: anything that you would take with you when you move) are usually a different situation entirely, unless you have paid a substantilly increased premium for Special Form (all risk) Contents Coverage. Most folks (98%) do not have this, including me, as it is generally cost prohibitive. Contents are insured on a "Named Peril" basis.
Again in English, you are covered for ONLY " fire, smoke, lightning, wind, aircraft, riot, civil commotion, vehicular damage, explosion, vandalism & maliciuos mischief and theft. There are some add'l perils, which may or may not include sudden and accidental leakage, subject to deductible again, but these vary greatly from state and you'll have to read your policy... again...yawn...
Also, and you thought (wished) I was finished, you must also refer to "Property Not Covered or Subject to Limitations". These include, but are not limited to, animals, birds, fish... Cnidaria belong to the Kingdom Animalia.
If you would like to give me a specific situation I'll do my best to interpret the meaning and intent of your policy language. Then again, most folks tell me that my advice is worth exactly what I charge for it... ;-)
BTW, JRF, I'm curious as &e|| as to who the carrier was that paid your claim and if you know under which sections etc. etc. Not to worry, I'm an Independent Agent and own my allegiance to no one company. HTH, Ed