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It occured to me today that my husband is becoming just as addicted to this hobby as me. When I set up the tank, he bemoaned every dollar I spent. He even asked me if I could just put milk in my tank rather than kalkwasser!

Now, every morning he sits in front of my tank when the lights are out and looks for new critters. Last week, he told me he wanted to set up a 75 in the den.

But the funniest by far was this evening. He and his friend, a big burly cowboy/diesel mechanic, were sitting in the floor in front of the tank. My husband was educating him on what all the critters were.

So that's when I realized that the infection had spread. Just wondered if any of you have had the same experience.


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Well in High School I got my dad addicted which was great because he funded the hobby. I also got two close highschool friends addicted. I distincly remember one of their moms yelling (jokingly of course) that I am emptying her son's wallet and wasting his time (Im sure there was some truth to it ... at least the wallet part). Then in college I infected about 5 friends all who spent hard earned money on reef tanks. All these people I infected required me to spend time explaining and assisting them with the setup of their tanks. Now that Im in grad school I don't think I should infect anyone seing as how I barely have anytime for my own tank let alone others. Now only if I can get my dad to start funding my hobby again =P

[ September 02, 2001: Message edited by: fmx2md ]
Mercedes 200


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My roommate got the tank when I was out of town on business. I thought they were neat but didn't matter if I had one or not. After I started to read, find rock, corals, fish, etc.... I became totally obsessed with reefs. Now, I get to buy the cool things and my roommate gets the pleasure of cleaning it
7 mths in the hobby and I have just bought a 155 gal bowfront


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Yes, my daughters boyfriend got interested in marines after he first saw my tank. That's now progressed to my daughter buying him his first reef tank as a surprise 21st birthday gift last year and him now being a fully-fledged reefer with a 75 gal set up.


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This hobby is the most addictive thing in the world!! im 13 and have funded my aquarium by myself and now have set up tanks for all of my realitives and neighbors(after thay saw mine tha couldnt live without one).


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I've caused a lot of people to join the hobby. When I started marine fish back in 1991 at University of Illinois, one of my roommates was a manager for the basketball team, and a bunch of guys from the team saw my tank and bought their own. Then one of my roommates did, and it blossomed from there. I've probably cursed around 20 people so far.


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It is worse than you think. Each person you spread it to is likely to spread it to someone else. And it will just keep spreading until we all have it.


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Woohoo! That's the way it should be!!
If everyone in the world had a reef tank, not only would we all be able to relate to each other, but no one would have enough spare time to commit crimes... and even if they WERE so inclined.. they wouldn't have enough money for bullets...



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... or maybe they would start breaking into each others house and stealing fish and corals.

I know I have certainly started some in this hobby and I'm not done yet. Recently helped someone go from fresh to salt and 2 more sitting on deck to start with their new salt tanks.


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I am from a long line of salt water aquarium keepers, it is a chain that sucks in the entire family. The parents and grandparents hook the kids on it who in turn grow up and hook there kids on it, it is a chain which cannot be broken.
I am twelve and have already been thourily introduced to the hobby as I currently maintain 45gl and 37gl reef tanks and am quickly expanding, your idea sounds good to me imagine if everyone owned some sort of reef tank? Then we could all say "We were reefers when reefin' wasn't cool...
(I know it's corny but I had to put something..., sorry)

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