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Ditto. Even I have several housed together, but I never brag about, or even mentioned about it in most of my posts. Just incase someone never had any sees posts saying its "doable" misinterpret it as "of course, no problem".

Skeeter, if you have tried before and failed, there is probably something you did not do right. The environment and the maturity of the tank plays a big roll. If you haven't figured out why it did not work before, maybe you should not try again. Give yourself a couple more months/years, you will figure it out as experiences accumulates.

Putting all three into the tank at the same time is not the one stop answer for keeping them together. Whether you put them in one by one, or put them in at the same time, showing ick tells me that there may be more problems to your tank than just simple aggression among the tangs. I have many tangs with many tanks before. I can assure you that I have done both method. Ick has not shown once when the other tank variable is healthy. The present tank I have the first is a purple, than blue, than kole, than sailfin, than powder blue. Never once did ick appear. Aggression has shown only from purple when sailfin introduced. Is this luck? No. Tang can be as hardy as damsels if you have the right condition and knows what they need to keep them happy. You have to observe and build up your experiences by learning from other's failure.

Simply thinking introducing them all at same time will suceed, you are not on the right track. As you will probably find that out too.


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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by davelin315:
<STRONG>You could be known as "the cheese sandwich formerly known as tall glass of milk".</STRONG><HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Or just "The Sandwich", followed by a symbol shaped like a slice of Wonderbread...


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It is sad that folks can't seem to give advice without bashing. I guess it is unavoidable in a post that references tangs.



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I'm curious, I have never really had any problems with tangs in the past (exceptions are a linneatus tang that I purchased being misinformed as to its dietary needs, and a powder blue I had in the distant past), but it seems like there is a lot of controversy over keeping them, and that they are very difficult to keep. I have always found them to be as easy to keep as damsels, but am I just having extraordinary luck? Or maybe I just get better tangs in my area?


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Since I have been viewing this board it appears that the problems reefers have relates to stress created ich which tangs are prone to.
In addition to the usual reasons (shipping, acclimatization, new tank, too many fish too soon, etcetera), stress is caused by placing the tang in a small tank, or with fish (like other tangs)that fight eachother. One of the most common problems is adding a tang to a tank which already has another tang in it.
Clown tangs should be prohibited for sale. Powder blue is for experts with ideal tang tank conditions as they are extremely difficult to keep.
If you provide the proper conditions for keeping most of the other tangs you should be free of problems. Obviously you are.
Unfortuneatly like a mandarin and anenome, tangs are very inticing to new reefers and most LFS are more than happy to sell you two or three small ones
to put in that new 75 gallon tank they just sold you.
The result is the problems which we keep reading about time after time after time.IME


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Wow, you were on my mind when I wrote my earlier post, the part about "moral high ground", and sure enough (poof) there you are with that great advice that only you can give. Next time you feel like flaming please do us all a favor and reconsider your earlier lurking idea... Your second post was probably much more helpful then the first, why not share that kind of response first next time?


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Murrayjim, it must be nice for you to be able to set everyone straight on moral issues, you know, what peoples opinons should and should not be. This all would be so much easier if you would just write a rule book that we could all go by, that way we wouldn't offend you. So come on, why don't you talk with the administration of this board and see if they will allow you to write up the rules the way you see it, after all, thats all that really matters. (poof) and I appeared too.


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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by davelin315:
<STRONG>Or maybe I just get better tangs in my area?</STRONG><HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

LOL - those special Illinois tangs. Just teasing you davelin


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I've heard that and considered ordering a whole school for my tank. But perhaps I could persuade you to collect some for me?


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Yep,(POOF) there you are rambling on and on about nothing in defense of naesco. I'm beginning to think that you're naesco's she goat. I challenge you to find anything that would suggest that I "know, what peoples opinons should and should not be" or to find any helpful information in naesco's first post. As far as "moral" issues, I've never taken the "high ground" on any issue in any thread. You seem to be the expert in that area, why not enlighten us all. A rule book? I like things just the way they are (minus one). You seem to be the one that flames people for posting questions or opinoins that you deem outrageous, why don't you write the book?


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O.K. Whos letting the children play with the computer unsupervised again.

"Your made of greasy grimmy gofer guts"

"nanny nanny boo-boo stick your face in do-do"

"your a moral high grounder"

"your a she goat"

If you cant play nice together..................................................

[ August 19, 2001: Message edited by: Fishaholic ]


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Yes damnhippo, you can. I'll give people one last chance to grow up, and act their age. Unless of course, they are indeed a bunch of two-year olds.

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