thanks for the input, i know i need to do water changes regularly but here are you answers to your questions:
100 gal tank 6 ft long, 8, 55wt pc
1. tank up for a little over a year
2. just got a new ro unit for makeup water (water changes were with just a carbon filter due to old ro unit output too low)
3. tank has a total of 11 fish, biggest one is my chevon tank (about 4 inches)
4. tunze skimmer, live rock
5. reef tank
6. 8, 55 watt power compacts
7. feed when i come home from work, at dinner, and before i go to bed, (frozen food, about 1/4 to 1/2 a cube each feeding)
i do a kalk drip , but for some reason my ph is around 8.3 but my calcium level is over 450
any advice would be great, thanks