<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by KJHawley:
<strong>I've been planning on setting up my first reef tank with (among other fish) a coral beauty and flame angel, having heard that most of these will leave coral polyps alone. I take it from this thread that this is probably not a good idea? Have any of you had sucess with coral beauties or flame angels with reef tanks? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.</strong><hr></blockquote>
You are gambling when you put any pigmy angel in a reef tank. I have a coral beauty in one tank and a cherub in another, they both are behaving for now. It's just a question of how bad you want that fish, are you willing to take all your rocks out to catch it if need be? Or remove a particular coral if they find it tasty? If not, I would avoid any Centropyge.
They are really cool fish however.
FWIW, many fish have individual personalities. You never see people talking about how un-reef-safe tangs are, but my Hippo tang eats a variety of corals, leathers, open brain, and xenia, he leaves everything else alone. It's really obnoxious.