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Hi, I have a problem (This is a bit long). But before I get to that, here's a little about my tank...

125g plexi w/ 60g sump
2-250w Iwasaki MH
1-400w Iwasaki MH
2-40w flourescent actinics
Reef Devil 3 skimmer
Mak4 return pump
K2R Calcium Reactor
4-6" sand bed
~100lb. live rock
Dejardin Tang
Yellow Tang
Percula Clownfish
few hermits, worms, etc.
Calcium ~370 ppm
Alkalinity ~8 dKH
Used old Salifert test kits, not sure if they are expired.
pH 8.0 - 8.3
Haven't checked for Ammonia, Nitrites, Nitrates.

The tank has been up and running for approximately 2 years. During which, I had a complete die off of corals...
and now I'm fighting a stubborn green film type algae. Anyhow, in the process of getting my tank set up once again for corals, I've tried to acclimate 2 sally light foots and 5 astrea snails. I bought the Sally LF's a week ago, and one died the same night while the other one only lived a couple of days. I thought that maybe it was the LFS that I bought it from. So I got some astrea snails this afternoon, acclimated them slowly, and placed them in the tank. It's 2am now, and they haven't moved so I'm presuming that they are dead too. Now this is where I'm in need of help. I don't know what's going on with my tank... Could someone give me any advice/suggestions?

Thanks in advance,


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Check the ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates. Your answer may lie there. Also how long since the last water change?



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What is your salinity at? No water changes in two years? Did you do one when the corals died? Temperature? How did you acclimate the crabs and snails?

You probably already know this but when you do a water change, you don't replace all the water, only a part of it- 10-20% Most people reccomend at least monthly water changes.

give us more information and we will try to help.



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What is you salinity?
IME snails need a salinity tof 1.026 to do well.
Astrea snails are not a very good choice because if they fall off the glass or rock they cannot turn over. IMO I would choice other varieties.


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The animals you metioned who are currently alive in your tank have been acclimated to your water conditions at a slow pace over a long period of time. If indeed you have some parameters (ex salinity, PH etc...) that are off then this could explain how the new animals you add are dying. Be very careful with a water change at this point, only do a small amount at a time or you could send your current animals into shock.


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Thanks for the replies everyone! Anyhow, I just checked my salinity with a refractometer. It's about 1.013... Could this be the problem? If so, then it's time for a long series of water changes.

I've never done water changes on this tank. The temperature ranges from 82-84°F. When I acclimated the crabs and snails, I used a drip method for an hour or so. But I guess that still wasn't long enough...


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Your salinity is way low. 1.026 is about the ideal salinity at 75 F. I would suggest slowly upping the salinity over a weeks time, coupled with some 10% water changes. Before you do that, I am curious about other parameters such as ammonia, nitrite, nitrate.

I personally believe in a 15-20% water change once a month.



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Well, all my test kits are out of date, but after using them anyway... I got zero for ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates. Could very well be off though... I'll run more tests soon!


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Well, the reason that I've not checked for ammonia, nitrites, or nitrates is because I still have the three healthy fish and a few hermits. But thanks, I'll probably get my water checked just to be sure...



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Oopp, forgot to answer the question. I have never done a water change... But, I'm thinking about doing one now.


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