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After months in the making, we now take great pleasure in announcing our new online publication: Reefkeeping ...an online magazine for the marine aquarist.

A combined effort of our authors, staff and members, emphasis will be placed upon topics of relevance to marine aquarists at all levels. Covering subjects ranging from fish behavior to product reviews and coral husbandry, we hope this new online resource will prove useful and valuable in maintaining a thriving marine aquarium.

Our list of regular and contributing authors includes: Ronald L. Shimek, Ph.D., Eric Borneman, Henry C. Schultz III, Frank Marini, Ph.D., Jon E. Garner, Horge Cortes-Jorge Jr., Bill Chamberlain, Andrew Trevor-Jones, Mark vanderWal, and Doug Wojtczak.

Come join us on our new venture: Reefkeeping ...an online magazine for the marine aquarist.


Advanced Reefer
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Great magazine John, thanks!



Advanced Reefer
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I just finished reading it and can't wait for next months issue. Definitley something to checkout this weekend if you haven't already!

[ February 08, 2002: Message edited by: simonh ]</p>
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