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I am planning on adding a pair of clownfish in another month or two (I currently have one Coral Banded Shrimp and one Purple Pseudochromis) and would like to buy a captive bred pair. Has anyone had good experiences with a particular dealer? I'd like to begin my research for these fish now. Thanks.

Angela <><

Laura Hargrave

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I have a pair that were bred at ORA (Oceans, Reefs, and Aquariums) out of Florida. They produce some really nice fish, very colorful.


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I bought a single juvenile Amphiprion ocellaris that was tank raised from my LFS. Very colorful and healthy.

I could always add a second juvenile. The first would most likely dominate the second and would likely become the female. The submissive one becomes the male.

Joyce Wilkerson's Clownfishes is an outstanding book for the care of clowns and also the breeding of clowns. I am not interested in breeding clowns, but the book was a good read and very informative.



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Purchased 8 tank raised Amphiprion Ocellaris from EAquatic.com in april. All arrived healthy and are still doing well.


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Clownfish change sex? I was so afraid I would buy two that were either both female or both male but if I can just buy two and know that I'll be getting a breedable pair.....

Do all species change sex or only certain species? Any suggestions for species that are easy to breed in an aquarium?

Thanks guys,
Angela <><


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All species of clownfish change sex. The larger more dominant of a pair will become the female. The Oscellaris clowns seem to be the easiest to breed, although most of the clownfish are the same. The Maroon clowns are the toughest to pair up. They are the most belligerent and can easily kill each other. I purchased three maroons to get a pair. After three months of really intense bashing and fin tearing, I finally ended up with a mated pair. The third is by itself in another tank now.

I agree with the above post about Joyce Wilkerson's book. It is an excellent reference and an enjoyable read if you want to breed clowns.


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I purchased a pair of percula clownfishes from inland aquatics. They soon begain to lay eggs. I am planning on trying to raise them soon. You can get them at inlandaquatics.com
I recommend buying a pair it is the easiest way to go. I have been trying to pair two tomatos and they are pairing very slowly.

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