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Any experiences with the mommbossa would be appreciated. I have a 55g with a moderate load in it that I want to get a mommbossa for. Will it handle the load, and have there been any problems with it?


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its not the most popular one but i have herd only good things about it and yuo can usual get them for uner $150.00 i dont own one but i have seen them work befour and the construction of them looks really good


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I have tried to use 3 different ones and my honest opinion is they are not good. I have had them overflow and flood my carpet, the neck cracked, and the new ones they changed the way the collection cup fits in the neck and I honestly couldn't get the cup to fit without it leaking as soon as I plugged it in. For the same price you could get an excalibur which I'm using now and have had no trouble with for over a year.



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The Precision Marine HOT-1 is built with thick acrylic throughout, not cheap stuff. It also has many features like a flange, control valve, and bigger reaction chamber. I have seen it in person and it's a very tough, solid piece of work. Why get a cheapie skimmer that you'll just replace later? The HOT-1 is $160-170, realistically recommended for up to a 90g. www.precisionmarine.com You can email them for more info too.


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common problem they flood. some ppl say no prob some say yes but ime just like the knop they flood. PM hot 1 knows that it can happen but the designed it for a auto waste shut off. And seems to be made better. The knop/mob seem to crack easy. I would either get the remora pro or pm hot1. same alittle more get something better. JME ...this is if your talking hang on. In sump would be fine. doesn't matter for floods

Rick O

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I had one and while it did skim pretty well I had the same problems as arnjer. It will work better with a Maxi-jet 1200 but why should you have to buy a new pump for a new skimmer.

If you're going to use it in a sump I would check out Myreef skimmers.


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