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I'm looking at buying an excalibur HOB skimmer, used, for about 1/2 retail. Currently, I have a POS air driven berlin skimmer, so anything is an upgrade.

Basically, I want something that will skim a 37 gallon reef tank, not very heavily stocked, and I don't want the skimmer in the tank.

Anybody have anything to say about this skimmer?



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I have been using one for over a year and knock on wood it has never overflowed. I have also used a Mombasa and it's a POS even the new ones. They sent me one (Mombasa) to replace the one I had which was replaced because the neck cracked after having it less than 6 months. So I have tried to use 3 different Mombasas and they suck. Anyway back to the Excalibur....I like mine I used it on a 55 gal that didn't have a heavy bioload and I think it did just fine. Actually it's on my 90 gal but now that I have more room behind the tank I may switch to the Berlin Turbo.


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