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i got my order of bartletts anthias from ffexpress and thay have to some of the niciest looking fish i have ever reseved from a mail ordered company. thay were jumping out of the bag when i got them, thay were also packed with 3 bags and one of black strips on the bag to help reduce stress. as soon as i put them in the tank they went right for the rocks. i think with them i have the best chance . and the price was awsome i got 3 for $87.00 i asked for med and that was a good thing because thay are from tail the moth a good 3 inches long i am VERY!! happy with the fish.


Advanced Reefer
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Sounds good ....keep us posted with how they eat and what you are feeding them. I want some anthias in the next month or so...and am curious how well they do in your system. Congrats!


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Congrats on the Anthias, Neal. These are one of my favorite fish. I had a very nice male Squarespot that I lost to a power outage in May. I tried MO but the two I got received never recovered from shipping
Finally this past week my lfs got a male in for me that was eating. I bought him home Tuesday and he's doing great. He's eating Mysis shrimp, Emerald Entree, Spirulina brine.
Here's a pic of the male with my female. The male is about 4", the female a little smaller. Good luck.


[ August 11, 2001: Message edited by: slk3599 ]


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just to tell you the all were eating the very first day and today i feed them and every thing looks really good. if any one is thinking of trying them i definitaly suggest the bartletts imo thay are the perfect anthias the dont get agresive thay eat well. also picturs in the books just dont do them justice thay are such nice looking fish

but one question i have is if their are 2 mails will the less agresive chenge into a femail because if their is no mail one of the femail will change..... just wondering


Experienced Reefer
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I have been having lots of luck the past year keeping red sea anthias and square box anthias on a diet of Tetra Delica Brineshrimp. This food is amazing. You really should try it. Seems to me to be much more nutritious than many of the frozen foods out there.

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