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does anyone know what this guy is i dont have a pic but here is a description it looks just like a emrald crab and is the same size but it has orange dots all over its body and also orange eye's it is really evil looking does anybody know what this is


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w/o a pic it's hard to tell what they are, sometimes even with a picture it's tough. I have a couple of crabs that sound almost the same, but have red dots and eyes. Look alot like an emerald, except for the color and hairy legs. They are nocturnal and eat algae. I target feed them at night w/seaweed selects. Watch it's behavior to see what it eats. One rule of thumb I use when I find a hitchhiker crab is if it has swim paddles or pincher claws it's gone. If it has little plates on the end of it's claws like mine and an emerald's it's probably an algae eater, but watch very carefully.

Good Luck


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Great pics Goldmoon, but mine don't have plankton-straining rakers like a porcelain, maybe Ebee's does.



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Mike, yours almost looks like the new hitchhiker I got.. I just wish mine is a algae eater too.. Someone told me it could be a polyps/mushroom eating one.. It is some kind of grey with hairy legs (light hair on legs), the legs with the claws are striped grey and white.. It was in a rock that I bought with polyps on it. Kind of hard to describe more because first time I saw it I was so surprised, he was starting to get out of the hole and I tried to grab it with tweezers... and second time, it was with the lights off.. I posted a *id message* on the hithchiker board here. Looked everywhere for some kind of picture that would look like it but could not find any

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