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I just finished setting up an All-glass 65. I got the water to the right salinity and added 40#s of NAtures Ocean live sand. However one of the bags got damaged after I bought it and much of the saltwater leaked out. The sand was still moist so I went ahead and added it with the un ruptured bag, thinking that the good one would seed the remaining if there was any die-off of the bacteria.

I discovered a leak in my plumbing after this to I shut everything down for 7 days while my patch job cured. I had a Powersweep from one of my other tanks running for some circulation.

I started back up this weekend, and tested the ammonia and nitrite. Both were high. I guess I got a mini spike from not enough circulation. Have to wonder because the bacteria in the natures ocean bags get no circulation but is fine.

I tested last night and the ammonia was 0, but the nitrite was at 5. I also added seachem marine buffer to get the PH upto 8.3, but after that my dKH was at 16.

Are water changes in order after the nitrite goes to 0 to get the Alkalinity down?

I have 40 odd pounds of live rock from an established tank, a 29g. Should I move some of this over to aid in the mini-cycle...


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Yes, you should add the live rock to the tank.It will help cycle the tank.It will add bacteria,worms,and other life to your sand bed.

[ August 09, 2001: Message edited by: raptor ]


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Yes, I would recommend a water change, say, about 15% after your tank has cycled and before your livestock is in.

Adding LR from your existing tank will help you cycle faster, however, I would imagin there are not that much LR you can add consider you are taking them from a 29G to your 65G. It will help, but not that much.

If you are planning on adding more LR into your 65G, I would suggest you do it now. As you put more LR into the tank, LR will cure along with your subtrate. Otherwise, if you wait until your tank cycled, and then, add new LR, you will have to wait for the new LR to cycle once over again.

Good Luck

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