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All other corals are doing great.
-Star Polyps
-Pulsing Xenia
-Gold crowned Toadstool
-Green finger sinularia
-Open Brain
- Frogspawn
- Candy Cane
- Montipora
- etc.
When I purchased this coral it had 4 heads. Within 24 hrs two heads started to fade and slime over. I cut to coral at the base and made two groups of two. I then dipped all the corals in an iodine dip. Within 48 mor hours the two were gone. Now the last two are starting to shrink in to their skeleton. What should I do????
Thans for any advice


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Sounds like you got a bad piece or it got damaged during the move from the store to your home. Most stores out there are not really careful about moving them, and if they are stressed, they will peel back their membrane from the base, and more than likely die. I would toss the whole thing or bring it back. It's not going to recover if it's already rotting away, and you'll only foul your tank.


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If you're not going to bring it back and want to try and save it try this. Put some tank water in a bucket. Pull out the coral, cut back the damaged section with a pair of clippers. Siphone out any more crud close to the good tissue, and give it a swirl in the bucket. then give it a freshwater dip for about two minutes (make sure temp and Ph are the same as the tank). Put back in tank and hope for the best.



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IME it's a gonner. I have never successfully revived a coral once the tissue begins to separate itself from the exoskeleton.


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My open brain coral got damaged and receded pretty quickly. I did weekly iodine dips and tried to leave it alone in between. It's fully recovered now, but during the month that it was sick, I exposed about 3/4 of the skeleton. It's very slowly reclaiming that now.

Dunno what to tell you--check your water parameters, make sure it's got plenty of room and that it's not in chemical combat with other nearby corals. Take a look for parasites, or things that are munching on it. Patience.

Good luck,

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