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I have a 72gl bow front reef ready tank with a Mag 500 for my return. I'm sure I need a power head(s). But, whtat kind? what gph? How many?


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I have a tank half your size. I have maxijets and I like them a lot. Rio has gotten a pretty bad rap on the reef boards as a couple have failed and damaged peoples reefs--I don't have a good feel (nor does anyone really) for what the failure rate is--probably not as low as others.


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I have a 72 gallon with the Mag 5 also. I have 4 Maxijet600's in the tank. Three at the top and one at the bottom. I have two of them on a timer so they go on and off periodically. Maxijets are the best powerhead in my opinion.

louey louey

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I've got two maxijet 900 on a wavestrip and plan to add one or two more on my 75G. 600's would probably be ok.

DEFINATELY go with the maxijets. I wasted money on pengiun and hagens before I discoverd this discusion board. People here say maxijet is the best and they are right! I haven't even had to do so much as clean them in over two months. They run QUITE.


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I have one of these 72-gallon bowfront tanks set up as a mixed fish/invert reef display.

I use a single Maxijet 1200 PH in one front corner, and a 600 in combination with a 400 placed side-by-side in the other front corner.

Using a Tsunami wavemaker, the 1200 is on for half of the time, alternating with the 600 and/or the 400 the rest of the time. (For you Tsunami owners, the Maxijet 400 is on outlet 1, the 1200 is on outlet 2, and the 600 is on outlet 3.)

This arrangement gives me nice alternating circulation, with a range of currents from very calm to medium turbulent, for keeping a broad mix of livestock. Just site things in the tank where they get the current they need or prefer.

For a tank with nothing delicate like my collection of giant feather duster worms, you could repalce the 600/400 combination with 600/600 or 900/400 for making stronger currents.

The Tsunami unit also provides a nice nightime calm effect using a light sensor that turns off all but one PH.


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I have a standard 70 gallon and use 3 Hagen 402's. One on each side and one in the middle. I point the ones on the side towards the center and the center one to the right to help create some cross current. I also put them at different heights to create current throughout the tank. I then have a little rio 150 that sits right at water level to help increase water movement at the top and increase evaporation for cooler temps.


Green Mariner

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louey, louey, I have some hagen's that have been running for the last 8 years non stop. I think they are pretty good, but just like anything else they do need to be maintained.


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I suggest you place at least 3 and preferable 4 maxijet 900s in your tank. Place them on the corners.

I have a preference for the 900s. While not as powerful as the 1200s, the 900s run on less than half the wattage.

My $0.02

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