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The distributor for my lfs has recently stoped delivering live brine to the entire area. I have Seahorses and believe that seahorses need live food. Is there a way to hatch live brine and raise them to a size that would be sufficient to feed the animals in my tank?


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Live brine is a terrible food for seahorses. Are your SH from Ocean Rider? or are they wild caught? if its the latter, you will need to get small live foods such as freshwater ghost shrimp supplement with selcon to maintain their health. Otherwise you may have to train them to feed on dead/frozen food.

If live artemia is all you can get, you will have to gutload them with selcon before you feed them to the SH. Place live brine in a 2 litter soda bottle and drip selcon into them. aerate for at least 4 hours without airstone.

Raising brine shrimp to adulthood takes too much work and is not worth the effort.


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I purchased the sh's at mlf. but i have had them for about 9 months. what is selcon I have never heard of it before.


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i got two seahorse. the male would only eat brineshrimp. so I use DT to feed the brineshrimp before i feed him. but the female would not eat anything, even brineshrimp. when i bought it two months ago, it was grey almost black color. now it changed to almost all yellow. it' stomach looks empty but still lives. don't know what it is feeding on. i always see it roaming around the live rock sucking on something. I hope it lives.

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