I have a 70g reef with a fair amount of Caulerpa racemosa in it. About 1/4 of it died and turned yellow today. The rest looks a little yellowish too but otherwise healthy. My water was somewhat murky this morning, but the skimmer seems to have gotten it all. I did get a mat of Poly-Filter and a bottle of Kent Iron for macroalgae.
Is lack of iron the reason for it crapping out? The same thing happened about a week ago. Caulerpa has been in there for over a month and has been harvested in large quantities. I would like to keep it growing fast to pull nutrients out of the water.
Is lack of iron the reason for it crapping out? The same thing happened about a week ago. Caulerpa has been in there for over a month and has been harvested in large quantities. I would like to keep it growing fast to pull nutrients out of the water.