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Update to Mantis Savage Mantis-
I killed it. The Moment I set up the search and destroy mission is the moment it deciced to "Pack up and explore the world". (translation- after I located his hole, five minutes before I decided to handle it manually, he decided he'd explore all my rock, and my peppermint, which was too fast for him to catch. But I cought him....Thank You Jebus.


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I had to kill him, I did not have the facilities or equipment to set up a tank for him. It's a shame, they're horrible, yet horribly cool.


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How did you catch him? I have a little bastard that just stares at me from his hole. Of course the piece of rock that he made his home is 10 lb piece of base that I can't just take out. Trying to trap him is not working. Is there something to inject into the hole to drive him out?


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I hear that vinegar will make him come out. If you've got a small tank, you might not want to try that, but if your tank is larger, you can inject a dilute solution into his hole. I understand they will come out FAST with that treatment. I've never tried it, and I'd defer to someone with experience using this method before I'd do it, as I'm not sure what effect it would have on your tank. Usually it's done with the LR OUT of the tank.


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mine was also in a large base rock, after traps and injections, i moved all corals, waited till he stuck his head out ( to make sure he was in his normal rock) grabbed the rock and pulled it out and dunked it in fresh water, he didnt come out, so i dunked the rock in soda water( wow that was cool.. ) and let it soakfor a hour then let the rock sit out over night to dry..well he never came out but i assume he is dead now, i havent heard any clicking or any dead stuff .. so after trying to get him for 3 months i have been mantis free for 6 months.. woowoowoo


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I took the rock out and found him in it. However, I did almost catch him prior to that: I stuck some shrimp right in front of his hole, waited above with so tweezers, and when he got cocky.....bam! I pulled of a leg or so but failed to catch him. Worth a shot though. However, I heard they can move residence when it proves unsafe.

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