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I seem to be having a problem keeping Turbo Snails alive. I keep finding them tipped over. They live in a tank with a huge Damsel who like to stir up the crushed coral for whatever reason. I seem to recall reading about a type of snail that can right itself if tipped over. If this is true, could someone plese tell me the exact name. They would be a wise investment over the regual Turbos.

Thanks !



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Barry, Turbo's are supposed to be able to right themselves. Are you sure your not getting Astrea's? They're the ones that can't right themselves-so they die in the end. Check out pictures on Flying Fish Expresses website or Pet Wharehouses site.


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When people say "turbo" I always think of the big mexican turbos and I've never seen one that couldn't right itself. I know many people call the various species of trochus "turbos" also and I've lost quite a few of these to this problem. We may not all be talking about the same snail.

[ October 30, 2001: Message edited by: 2poor2reef ]</p>


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i believe the snails you are looking for are Nystrias snails but dont ask me to spell that lol. They can right them selves if turned over.

I have lost one Mexican turbo to a tipover in about the past 4 months.


grape ape


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If mine get upside down, they often die. I check them everytime I look in the tank and upright any that fall.

If anything has a significan change in the tank (especially a temp swing of 2 or 3 degrees), they'll start dropping.

I'm sure some snails can right themselves often, but there's no specification or "self-righting" certification that snails carry around. Some are just more athletically inclined.


[ October 30, 2001: Message edited by: tyoberg ]</p>

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