Could anyone please suggest beginner level corals for a new reef tank. I am trying to stock a 46g Bow Front tank containing the following:
1-Marron Clown
1-Firefish Goby
1-Green brittle star (aprox. 9")
1-Arrow Crab
5-Turbo snails
6-mixed red & blue leg hermits
100lbs. live rock
Water Parameters are as follows:
PH 8.2
Temp 76F
The Tank is lit with the following
55w PC 50/50
55w PC 10,000k
30w actinic 03
30w 50/50
The tank has been running since Oct. 2000
Live rock is totally encrusted with coraline algae and all tank inhabitants seem healthy.
I am new to the reef scene although I have had much experience with freshwater and FO marine tanks. I am interested in corals that would be a little forgiving of inexperience and also be somewhat easy on the price. Any suggestions of reputable mail order dealers would also be appreciated. There are only two LFS in my area dealing with coral and one sux the other is very over priced.
Thanks in Advance.
[ August 04, 2001: Message edited by: Sniper308 ]
1-Marron Clown
1-Firefish Goby
1-Green brittle star (aprox. 9")
1-Arrow Crab
5-Turbo snails
6-mixed red & blue leg hermits
100lbs. live rock
Water Parameters are as follows:
PH 8.2
Temp 76F
The Tank is lit with the following
55w PC 50/50
55w PC 10,000k
30w actinic 03
30w 50/50
The tank has been running since Oct. 2000
Live rock is totally encrusted with coraline algae and all tank inhabitants seem healthy.
I am new to the reef scene although I have had much experience with freshwater and FO marine tanks. I am interested in corals that would be a little forgiving of inexperience and also be somewhat easy on the price. Any suggestions of reputable mail order dealers would also be appreciated. There are only two LFS in my area dealing with coral and one sux the other is very over priced.
Thanks in Advance.
[ August 04, 2001: Message edited by: Sniper308 ]