I vote that this is bogus.
I believe the fastest clocked shark speed is 20mph. I believe some people think macos may be a little faster than that. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Swordfish swim at closer to 60mph. So it's far from one of the fastest fish.
I think the better explaination for the blood in it's mouth is the bullets in it's head.
I heard an interview with someone they basically said if you can grab a fish's tail, you take away it's leverage. (I'm certainlly not encouraging grabbing sharks by the tail). They said sharks lose a lot of their power/leverage while being dragged backwards by the tail. I'm no shark expert, but that's what I heard.
On a serious update to the story, I read the boy is awake and responding to stimuli. http://www.weartv.com/news/Stories/august/0803/0803jessie.htm
The newspaper isn't always correct. However, anyone can type an email and say it's fact (including me).
[ August 03, 2001: Message edited by: cm5299 ]
I believe the fastest clocked shark speed is 20mph. I believe some people think macos may be a little faster than that. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Swordfish swim at closer to 60mph. So it's far from one of the fastest fish.
I think the better explaination for the blood in it's mouth is the bullets in it's head.
I heard an interview with someone they basically said if you can grab a fish's tail, you take away it's leverage. (I'm certainlly not encouraging grabbing sharks by the tail). They said sharks lose a lot of their power/leverage while being dragged backwards by the tail. I'm no shark expert, but that's what I heard.
On a serious update to the story, I read the boy is awake and responding to stimuli. http://www.weartv.com/news/Stories/august/0803/0803jessie.htm
The newspaper isn't always correct. However, anyone can type an email and say it's fact (including me).
[ August 03, 2001: Message edited by: cm5299 ]