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I vote that this is bogus.

I believe the fastest clocked shark speed is 20mph. I believe some people think macos may be a little faster than that. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Swordfish swim at closer to 60mph. So it's far from one of the fastest fish.

I think the better explaination for the blood in it's mouth is the bullets in it's head.

I heard an interview with someone they basically said if you can grab a fish's tail, you take away it's leverage. (I'm certainlly not encouraging grabbing sharks by the tail). They said sharks lose a lot of their power/leverage while being dragged backwards by the tail. I'm no shark expert, but that's what I heard.

On a serious update to the story, I read the boy is awake and responding to stimuli. http://www.weartv.com/news/Stories/august/0803/0803jessie.htm

The newspaper isn't always correct. However, anyone can type an email and say it's fact (including me).

[ August 03, 2001: Message edited by: cm5299 ]


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I'll tell you from experience that 50-80% of what you read about in the papers and on the tv news is not the whole story. Its almost never the whole story. You are reading and seeing what they are showing you, thats all. I've personally been in dozens of situations (not fish related) that have ended up being aired on the news and in more than half of them , the media has given a completely different account of the incident. Don't ever be that naive and take the media as a factual report. People end up rioting over misinformation the media has given out. People react to what they see/hear even if its not the truth.
Sorry if I went over board, I've just had enough will the local media here.


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I think a shark is fast. Faster than me - I wasn't stating this as fact, in fact, now that I read that article, I think the email is total B.S. Im glad I checked it out with you guys though. (Although I did like the 10 minutes where I was saying "good for the shark then")



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Let's assume that the uncle was shark fishing. So what? The boy was still bitten and people still helped give CPR. The uncle and other individual still dragged the shark to shore. Even if shark fishing was illegal at that beach, the caring and heroic actions of those people are not detracted IMHO.


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If we assume that the email is true, I think it was disgustingly irresponsible of the uncle to let the kids in the water like that - if I toss a kid in front of a speeding train and then knock him out of its path at the last second, I dont think the saving part is really "heroic". But I don't think this is true, so again I think the uncle diserves a pair of brass you know whats.



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I'm sorry for not posting this in the trading forum. But if anyone is interested I have some prime ocean front property I bought in Arizona. It even has a natural reef. Imagine that. Capture your own specimens.

Any takers?


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To me that was one of the strangest parts of the story. They get 6 1/2 foot shark into 2 feet of water and people run into the water with it? That's silly. It's either bogus or if people actually did this it was Darwin at work. Then the shark jumps off the ground and bites the kid. Did the kid get bit in 2' of water or on shore? I still can't figure all of that out.


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The rumor is not true. I live in Florida and jsut recently saw and interview with the Uncle. He wasn't shark fishing and doesn't even own a fishing pole according to him.
The fact of the matter is this, sharks are at the beach. Just because you don't see them doesn't mean they aren't there. Have any of you flown over the beach in a helicopter or airplane? If you have, I'm sure you've seen them right up at the shore line. This kid just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and met the wrong shark. Good luck to Jesse Arbogast and his family, hope things work out for him.


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I agree, if the story is flase the uncle is an incredible hero. If the story were true, the he is a moron and should be charged for his violations. Now that I've looked into it a little, I give him the benefit of the doubt until someone gives references/photos supporting the hook/rods.

btw, I didn't mean to imply the newspaper article is "true", just that they had investigated the rumor and referenced witnesses. The email had no references or photos to support it.


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What violations? Assuming he was fishing (I don't think so). Is it illegal to fish from the shore in FL? When I lived there, there would be stories of people catching sharks from shore.

[ August 03, 2001: Message edited by: cm5299 ]


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I read all the related articles on that website. They even have pictures taken right before it happened (thats kind of eerie). The uncle is not fishing. Just goes to show you....Scallop - will you give me a price ?



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There is one huge fallacy in this email....sharks do not go for large amounts of money. Heh you would be lucky to get .25 cents a pound for a shark and even then in order to sell it you would need a commercial license. I've caught plenty of 12+ ' nurse sharks in florida waters and I just let em go. There is no market for them. If you are shark finning of course then there is some market but you have to catch 20-30 an hour to make any money at that. (Shark finning is gross and very destructive)


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Hi - I just got this via email. If its true Im disgusted, it only goes to show how little we understand sharks and what the press will do to further the irrational fear of them.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR> Here is the true story of the shark attack in Florida:

There is a reason that the "hero" of the attack that wrestled that 7' shark to shore is not giving any interviews, and is hard to find. There is a reason that this 7' shark was in 2' of water, and there is a reason that the family is "acting funny" about taking money from those that want to help.


The unidentified stranger that helped him also helped him fight the fish to shore. When the shark got into two feet of water, the kids all ran into the water in jubilation and the shark lunged from off the ground and hit Jessie Abrogate twice, took his arm off and bit into his leg!!!!!!! The man had CHUM in the water, and heavy tackle built to fish for sharks. His nephew got bit because the entire family went into the water trying to wrestle the fish to land. There is big money on a shark that size. The press has suppressed the real truth, because they are afraid that it will effect the contributions for Jessie. NO MAN is going to wrestle a shark that large to shore in two feet of water, that is one powerful animal, and they had cut the cable, and hide the rods by the time the Medic's got there. The ranger that shot the shark testified that the shark still had the hook in his mouth and "put up a big fight because his mouth was all bloody and torn up"....(that is why the shark had blood all over it's mouth in the TV photo's, it was it's own blood !!)

I am not lessening the horror of the event.

Thoughts ? Is this true ? It makes sense to me.



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I was told the same thing by my friends in Pensacola. It is a rumor, an urban legend. To check out the truth look at the Pensacola News Journal newspaper web pages


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But why do we believe the newspapers? The whole thing didn't sound right to me in the beginning. Ive had a hard time getting a 40" striper on shore, on a line, how did he get one of the fastest and most powerfull fish in like that, just by hand?


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