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actually the mag7 is the closest match. that is what i used to replace my 2100.

as for where to buy... cant help you there, cuz i dont live by you. just try the major MO outfits.



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Just switched all my Rio's over to Mag's. I bought mine from Premium Aquatics. They were the cheapest.



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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MattM:
<STRONG>The Mag-5 is closer to the gph rate of the 2100.</STRONG><HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Forgive me! I didn't have the box in front of me


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Well, my RIO bit it! I need to replace it and won't be foolish enough to buy another RIO.

Can you please make suggestions for a pump and WHERE to buy it? Unfortuantly, I need one right away, so I need help w/finding one for a reasonable price with reasonable shipping (possibly overnight.



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Depending on the application (return pump or driving a skimmer), the Supreme Mag-Drive 5 or 7 is a good replacement.

The Mag-5 is closer to the gph rate of the 2100.


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I replaced my Rio 2100 with a Mag 7. They have about the same output at 0 head but the Mag 7 pumps about 100 gph more than the Rio 2100 at 4 ft of head. I had to put a ball valve after mine to throttle back the flow because my overflow U-tube could not keep up with it. Aquatic Tech has the best price that I have seen at $47.95. That is where I got mine. Premium Aquatics has them for $52.95. has the best deal if you use a $10 coupon code, but they will send you the Mag Pondmaster 700 pump even though the website refers to it as the Mag 7. Only difference is the Pondmaster pumps have like an 18 ft power cord and possibly different screws (I couldn't tell the difference on the screws but I heard from others that they are different).


[ August 02, 2001: Message edited by: ronl ]

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