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I accidentaly dumped a little less than 1/2 gallon of Kalk water instead of RODI top-off water into my sump. I'm an iddiot for leaving them near one another. I have a 70 gallon tank, around 10 gallons of water in my sump, and 5 gallons in my refugium. What should I do, and will this kill my fish and coral???
Thanks for your quick responses


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It happened 10 minutes ago. I wasn't sure how long it would take to max out. How long should I wait to test PH?


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I think Davelin is correct. I did a similar thing about a year ago [didn't adjust my IV drip and it ran through - duh!] into a much smaller system - 29 gal. w/8 gal. sump. No problem. pH rose a bit, but I had no problems. Hopefully you won't either, but do keep an eye on it. Keep some fresh mix handy for a water change if things start to swing out of balance. HTH



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You can relax, BB. Assuming the tank was at typical Calcium, Magnesium, and Alk balance before the "accident," that amount of Kalk water will go down without a ripple.

Certain reefers of my acquaintance, too lazy to drip, have done for years what you are viewing as an accidental emergency as their routine method for topping off with Kalk water. So far, they are getting away with it, some even in much smaller tank systems than yours....


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dont feel bad, i once accidentaly dumped about 1.5 ounces of acid into a 37g tank. immediatly the copepods started floating off the rocks. all i could do was quickly mix up about a gallon of kw & pour it in.
everything was fine though except the pods.

hope my idiotness makes you feel better


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Keep an eye on your alkalinity. I went out of town and my overflow lost it's siphon. It dumped about three gallons of kalk water from my auto top off and drove my alk down to 1.5 meq. This has happened to me twice now.


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Originally posted by BBReefkeeper:
[QB]I accidentaly dumped a little less than 1/2 gallon of Kalk water instead of RODI top-off water into my sump.
I dumped kalk straight into the tank not sump for 1 week with 10 corals (bta and xenia and many others)before I found out it had to be dripped it didnt hurt anything though im sure they didnt like it. so no worries man

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