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I knew that would get your attention...

I have a hippo in my 40 gallon breeder (no, Im not kidding, here he is and look, he's happy!)Dont worry, a real question is coming...


I am building a tidal pool refugium/mangrove pond out of a 81"X54" tank that is only 11" deep - I figure Ill fill it to about 9". I am deciding which, if any, of my fish get to go live in the big house. I think at 3 1/2" or so, Speedy as I call him is probably getting to large for the breeder, but will he be bothered by the shallow tank ? I know he'll love the 7' run, but I worry he will feel stifled with the lack of depth. I don't want to keep him in the breeder much longer, so the other option is to trade him or give him to someone with a larger display tank. Im really rooting for putting him in the pond, but please let me know what you think -Im figuring the pond will run around 150 gals filled to 9" with rock and 3" dsb.

Thanks in advance -



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I keep tangs. I havn't noticed any depth requirement.
If they are not zooming back and forth they are grazing on algae on the bottom.
Please make sure the parameters are the same when you transfer Speedy.
I would recommend you start feeding it nori soaked in garlic a couple of days before and after the transfer to avoid any ich outbreak.
Good Luck


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Thanks. I plan on building lots of dark caves for plankton shelter, so I bet he'll like those. Ill give it a try - The refugium will be plumbed to the display (Ill run it for a few days before transferring him) so the parameters should be the same.

Thanks again!



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Oh there will be pics.... Lots of pics. Im so excited, am getting my overflow, plumbing and return pumps early next week - here is the pool I am using:


I will plumb the overflow to the "slide" - the water will roll down, swirl through the mangroves (will be at the right side of the pool in the above pic), and will drain through the plug in the bottom (im going to rig up a strainer there so as to not suck up any fish) to return to the display. It will be a 150 gallon refugium for a 40 gal display. Im sure Ill have just as much fun with it though, and Im truly worried if Ill be able to keep my hands out of it (picking up the urchins, crabs, etc). Im bad like that.

Ill keep you updated -



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Since everybody is one their soapbox about tangs I had a hippo tang housed in a 29 gallon tank in which he grew from less than an inch to about three inches. He was one of the coolest fishes that I ever had.


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Nowhere close to being an expert, but..
Tangs seem to do well when they have what they like around them, and pacific blues seem to like hiding places and zipping in and out, so I wouldn't think depth would matter. Sounds like if you've got a 7 foot long tank, you can put pretty much any tang you want in there. I say go for the big naso tangs! A nice big male with long streamers on his tail is about the coolest tang I've ever seen!

[ August 02, 2001: Message edited by: davelin315 ]


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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jdeets:

Uhhhh--does the pool come with the children as a bonus???

Nah...they're kind of like a mantis shrimp. pain in the but to get out. I set traps for weeks and had no luck, so I ended up borrowing a blue-ring octopus from a bud. That took care of them real quick.

Perc - Its a Little Tikes pool - LT is owned by newell-rubbermaid. Its stamped on the bottom "rubbermaid". Im taking the risk on plastic "leeching" just like I did on using silica sand, which worked out fine too. Ive stored my top-off water, mixed my new salt water, and have dripped kalk from recycled plastic rubbermaid bins. Never noticed anything strange...Plus, Its a really cool tidepool tank for $59.00

talk to you soon -



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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by StrikeThree:

Nah...they're kind of like a mantis shrimp. pain in the but to get out. I set traps for weeks and had no luck, so I ended up borrowing a blue-ring octopus from a bud. That took care of them real quick.</STRONG><HR></BLOCKQUOTE>



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Well, I will have to disagree with the majority here. Just a reminder, "hippo" tangs can grow to be easily 6"-7" in height. You could move it as it got larger and lost overhead clearance... but, in the long term, I wouldn't leave it in there with only 2"-3" of clearance.


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Good point - he's not even 2" tall yet, so I figure I would have a while. Just as long as I know he's better off in the pond than the display.

Thanks to everyone for the help-



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You may want to invest in a larger pond if you have the chance, there are a lot of agriculture places that carry them. I just bought a 300 gallon rubbermaid pool and am in the process of hooking it up. Check out rubbermaid's website and look under livestock tanks/tubs. They will tell you who has ordered them in your area recently and you can check it out. They are also free standing like the kiddie pool you are looking at, but are a lot higher (25") and are already plumbed with one bulkhead at the bottom and seem to be very easy to drill.


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I was wondering... did you check out the plastic it is made out of and so forth with all the hoopla about only food-safe stuff is usable... I was thinking of doing a similar thing with a rubbermaid tub... thats a cool idea! Hope you up date often with pics thanks again - perc


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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by StrikeThree:
<STRONG>Oh there will be pics.... Lots of pics. Im so excited, am getting my overflow, plumbing and return pumps early next week - here is the pool I am using:

Ill keep you updated -


Uhhhh--does the pool come with the children as a bonus???

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