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What size sump do you have? I have made a mistake. I have an aga stand and put a 20gal sump in it when I set it up. It put the sump in from the top. But know the tank is on it I can’t get the sump out. I wanted to set up 2 10 gall tank vertically with the tank (they would stick out the back)for a refugeum how should I get the sump out and also what size sumps do you have in your 72 tanks???


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I saw a thread similar to this on the RAMR newsgroup. EmilyB can provide you some insight on this. You might send her a PM to see if you can get her thoughts. I believe the conclusion on that thread was that once it's in there, it's staying in there and the only way to get it out in one piece would be to tear down the tank and take it back out the top.


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Sorry to say you are not going to get the 20g sump out of the AGA cabinet without removing the tank and going out the top. I have a 72g bow and AGA cabinet and originally wanted to use a standard 20g for a sump. There is no way it will go through the doors so I opted for a 15g high instead. Glad I did because I've had to remove the sump on a few occasions. I almost did what you did put it in through the top but figured there would come a day when I wanted it out.


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I have a 72 bowfront - mine has a 15g sump - and I can say it's a tight fit. The AGA stand does not have much room to play with. I can see no other option for you besides taking the entire tank apart or sacrificing the 20g tank you are using by breaking the thing up to get it out. If you start hacking on the stand - I would think you would jeopardize the integrity of it.


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i think i am just going to drain the sump and breack the 20 gall tank so i can put the 2 10 gal tanks int it. also what is the length of the 15 high and the 10 gall if their the same lenght i think i will go with the 2 15


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i think i am just going to drain the sump and breack the 20 gall tank so i can put the 2 10 gal tanks int it. also what is the length of the 15 high and the 10 gall if their the same lenght i think i will go with the 2 15

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