Joe -- You'll want to wait at least 12 hours before re-testing Calcium levels. This gives the tank time to re-establish ionic equilibrium between Calcium, Magnesium, Alk, Carbonates, and etc. 24 hours is even better.
Just curious - why did a water change lower your Calcium level? Newly mixed synthetic seawater mix like Instant Ocean will have at least 400 ppm or more of Calcium, which is better than what a lot of reef keepers can maintain in their tank. Most of the time a water change is viewed as a sure way to INCREASE Calcium, not LOWER it.
By the way, FWIW IME nothing raises Calcium levels better or faster than dripping good old Calcium Hydroxide (Kalkwasser) -- unless it's Kalk with about 50 ml of 5% Acetic Acid (grocery store White Vinegar) added to a gallon of water before dissolving the Kalk powder. (Some reefers will advise you to limit the vinegar to 20ml per gallon, at least until you get used to the idea of putting Acetic Acid into your tank).
Some reefers use Calcium Chloride (Turbo-Calcium), but IME excess Chloride ions can unexpectedly raise salinity levels, lower your Alk, or even lower your pH by forming hypochlorus acid, HOCL.
Products like Reef Complete are intended to maintain existing Calcium levels by gently making up for routine continuous depletion by lifeforms, not to dramatically increase Calcium levels.