Well your in luck Grand Rapids has two acrylic aquarium makers close by so shipping isnt a problem.
Stop by my shop The Coral Reef at 2124 Plainfield NE and we will help you out with your system. We are a professional Marine Aquarium shop and a member of AMDA .
Phone # is 363-6835 store is open tues- friday noon to 8pm sat noon to 6pm Sun and mondays by appointment.
see ya later
Mike King aka Mike_Workin
Stop by my shop The Coral Reef at 2124 Plainfield NE and we will help you out with your system. We are a professional Marine Aquarium shop and a member of AMDA .
Phone # is 363-6835 store is open tues- friday noon to 8pm sat noon to 6pm Sun and mondays by appointment.
see ya later
Mike King aka Mike_Workin