I have just setup a 72 gallon Bowfront. when setting it up I added 30 pounds of sand on the bottom and then added a layer of crushed coral. and then 40 pounds of live sand. I added about 35 to 40 pounds of live rock and I have one small Green chromis. I presntly have a sea clone protein skimmer going. And it is skimming a hugh amount of brown liquid out. I havea magnum 350 working cleaning the water. I also have a power head for extra circulation. I have 90 watts of lighting. I will be adding in the next couple of weeks 350 watts of MH lighting. But I am having brown algea growing on the sand. it is getting thickit is also on the rock however it is turning green on the rocks.It has been up 2 weeks and the water is crystal clear however the cycle is only to the point of showing small signs of ammonia. Am I doing somthing wrong. Do i need more fish and what do I do about the algea on the sand.; Can someone please help
Thank You
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