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Does anyone have any experience mounting MH lighting in an Oceanic canopy? I did a search on this topic and found a couple of positive posts but I'm still a little unsure about this. With the lights mounted to the bottom of the lid I'm going to have about 3" of space between the bulb and the water. The bulbs are 175 Hamiltons and the tank is a 75g. I also planned on having a couple of VHO actinics.

It's been suggested to cut a couple of holes in the top of the canopy and buy pendants to place on top. But I really don't want to cut up the canopy if I can keep from it. Also, I already painted the inside white so I can't return it.

And if it's not possible to make the MH lighting work, what would be the best way to go? I'm thinking 4 VHO tubes. Would that provide decent lighting for a 75g?

I appreciate any help on this!

[ July 31, 2001: Message edited by: SteveMH ]

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