gtag('event', 'conversion', {'send_to': 'AW-972395556/RN4nCJnV4tkCEKSo1s8D'}); -->
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I actually took the time to look around the rest of his site- yes, this tang is in rough shape, but he took the time to research the illness and it sounds like from his website that he is currently treating the HLLE. I hope that his tank goes into better hands (and that tang goes into a larger tank) but from the look of his site (including the ACII interface) I dont think he is completely clueless or ignorant (he actually seems proud of all but the HLLE)



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I'd agree that he's at least not a total baffoon. Maybe he's got a few gaps in his knowledge. Gaps are OK, but you shouldn't have too many big ones about things you actually have in the tank.

BTW, I don't think you're suppose to post a copyrighted picture.



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That is one sorry looking tang. With the right sized tank, a varied diet and a caring hobbyist, that tang could pull through with flying colors. It is just too bad I do not have the room.


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He may know some things, but to put a sailfin in a 29 gallon tank and have it deteriorate like that after 4 months is terrible. I hope the treatment he is doing helps. That is going to be an uphill battle.


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I would be amazed if that fish had lived much longer than the date of the last photo. It's about a severe a case of HLLE as you're likely to see.

It's a shame to see such a beautiful creature deteriorate to that exrent.


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Take a look at his "Live Cam". The tang looks even worse now. He has absolutely no tail or fins left.

I am amazed by that live cam. It is VERY fast!! Is that a result of the camera or of his connection or what?


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