Go ahead and giggle
,I'm new to this hobby and pulled a really dumb%$# stunt. My 4 month old 150 gal, several happy fish
, several happy soft corals
, several sps that show considerable growth
, and I wake up Friday morning thinking I need to buy a couple of really cool (expensive) fish. Called a local DFW area online retailer and ordered a blue regal tang and a powder blue tang. Met them later that afternoon to pick-up the fish. Got home and slowly dripped tank water for over an hour before introducing the tangs into my tank. The blue tang went right to eating,(great) , the powder blue would not take food(maybe in a couple of days). Yesterday I got home from work and immediately went to check the new residents
, both tangs looked like they just came in from a Texas Panhandle blizzard. I know, I know, everything I read before I mortgaged the house to get into this HOBBY said to quarantine any new fish for two weeks, DOES ANYONE REALLY DO THIS???? I removed the fish last night and put them in a bucket with an airstone, HERE'S MY QUESTION
- IS MY TANK NOW INFECTED FOREVER WITH ICH AND ARE MY OTHER FISH IN DANGER?? WHAT DO I DO NOW?? One thing for sure - I'm going out today and purchase a 10 gal tank for quarantine procedures. Please advise. Message to other newcomers to the hobby - after several $K what's another $50 for a quarantine tank is worth a good nights sleep