i had a freshwater fish that died almost instantly when i put it into fresh water from the tap.
Mike02, i hope you dont drink the same water!!
i think using an anesthetic and then killing it is the most humane way.
next would be putting it in a bag and then "slamming its head" against a hard surface would do the trick, although a bit involved and gruesome.
but i prefer the freezer method. put it in a small dish of tankwater and place into the freezer. the idea being that it slowly cools, so its metabolism slows, thus numbing occurs, then finally a painless death. i hope. you do not put it into ice water, as this will obviously cause shock=pain.
perhaps we can change your thinking,
the main reason most have a problem with flushing is that these fish have become our pets and thus we have feelings for them and flushing them will not provide a quick and humane death. just think about how long a saltwater fish can survive through a freshwater bath. i know you are entitled to your opinion, and perhaps we will just agree to disagree on this, but i wouldnt feel good myself if i didnt try to change your ways. i just find it odd that you would take this stance on fish, but are willing to acclimate an anenome for 12 hours!! which by the way i commend you for sharing your wealth of experience and information concerning the husbandry of aneniomes.( i have been following those threads with much interest)
james, i hope that helps out with your moral dilemna!