Yesterday I got a Six Line Wrasse -(Pseudocheilinus hexataenia) for Mr. Mohr
He was eating well at the LFS active and when I brought him home he was doing the same, swimming all over the tank. Well, today he is no where to be found, didn't jump out not floating and cant seem to find him anywhere. I even put in some flake and he didn't come out. My question is, will they hide for a bit and come out when they are comfortable. I have now in the 60gal, 2 fire fish, 1 maroon clown, 1 bi-color blenny, 1 flame angel, 2 peppermint shrimp (small) and 2 cleaner shrimp. Could one of them killed him?? I have had my fish for over 4 mths and the last fish I got was over a month ago and have had no disappearances since I have had the tank. Any advice or info ??
