heres the list of products Im going to get. Also the livestock list. Ive kept a reef tank for 5 years, but Im experimenting with new products so please tell me what you think! Or what i forgot. I have a pretty good budjet so tell me which products are BEST!
1 55 gallon (48x13x20)(glass)
1 oak canopy
1 oak stand
2 variable output icecap fans
4 icecap double endcaps
1 icecap 660 ballast
4 HO bulbs: (if you know better bulbs PLEASE tell me, maybe something from corallife?)
(all bulbs will be replaced with VHOs after 6 months, i just wanted the coraline to grow)
2 white actinic
2 actinic blue
some saltwater resistent mirrors, to make a reflector (suggestions?)
1 Eco Sand Plenum custom by Corals and Clams
1 protein skimmer (not sure which one) (will be added after 6 months)
1 200 gallon bucket of instant ocean salt
water question: Will tap water suffice? Will leaving it out for a day "fix" it? Will running it through carbon before mixing it with salt?
3 Maxi Jet 1200 power heads
1 200 watt visi-therm heater
1 Eheim ECCO 2235 (for carbon and filterfloss) (Should I use it as a biological filter?)
1 hydrometer
0 test kits (are these REALLY neccesary? Ive been able to just look if the corals are open to see if things are ok, but i suppose that if they are, which ones are the best, what should i test for to be the bare essentials. (nitrate, calcium and ph?))
Carib Sea aragonite Gravel - 40 pounds Seaflor special grade (for the plenum)
65 lbs of mixed aragocrete and fiji (Im thinking of trying out the man made live rock, but i really love seeing what comes out LIVE rock. I need something that barely touches the bottom. I do like florida rock a lot but the problem is that its heavy. Maybe somebody could suggest a awesome live rock dealer...)
11 pounds of Garf Grunge (nobody can tell me this stuff sucks I love it
I think thats everything. Please tell me if i missed something.
On to supplements
1 Sea Chem. Reef Plus
1 Sea Chem. Reef Complete
1 Sea Chem. Reef Calcium
do those sound right? Ive had good success with them, but there MIGHT be something better
1 SeaChem Reef Advantage (ive never used this is it good? Garf reccomended using it for every gallon of makeup water. The problem is theres more than one kind. Help!)
1 SeaChem reef builder.
reef janitors
1 timer (cheap walmart)
1 wavemaker for the 3 power heads (which is best?)
I think thats all.
I think im actually going to place a separate post for the actuall livestock. Thankyou to anyone who puts time into replying to this.
heres the list of products Im going to get. Also the livestock list. Ive kept a reef tank for 5 years, but Im experimenting with new products so please tell me what you think! Or what i forgot. I have a pretty good budjet so tell me which products are BEST!
1 55 gallon (48x13x20)(glass)
1 oak canopy
1 oak stand
2 variable output icecap fans
4 icecap double endcaps
1 icecap 660 ballast
4 HO bulbs: (if you know better bulbs PLEASE tell me, maybe something from corallife?)
(all bulbs will be replaced with VHOs after 6 months, i just wanted the coraline to grow)
2 white actinic
2 actinic blue
some saltwater resistent mirrors, to make a reflector (suggestions?)
1 Eco Sand Plenum custom by Corals and Clams
1 protein skimmer (not sure which one) (will be added after 6 months)
1 200 gallon bucket of instant ocean salt
water question: Will tap water suffice? Will leaving it out for a day "fix" it? Will running it through carbon before mixing it with salt?
3 Maxi Jet 1200 power heads
1 200 watt visi-therm heater
1 Eheim ECCO 2235 (for carbon and filterfloss) (Should I use it as a biological filter?)
1 hydrometer
0 test kits (are these REALLY neccesary? Ive been able to just look if the corals are open to see if things are ok, but i suppose that if they are, which ones are the best, what should i test for to be the bare essentials. (nitrate, calcium and ph?))
Carib Sea aragonite Gravel - 40 pounds Seaflor special grade (for the plenum)
65 lbs of mixed aragocrete and fiji (Im thinking of trying out the man made live rock, but i really love seeing what comes out LIVE rock. I need something that barely touches the bottom. I do like florida rock a lot but the problem is that its heavy. Maybe somebody could suggest a awesome live rock dealer...)
11 pounds of Garf Grunge (nobody can tell me this stuff sucks I love it

I think thats everything. Please tell me if i missed something.
On to supplements
1 Sea Chem. Reef Plus
1 Sea Chem. Reef Complete
1 Sea Chem. Reef Calcium
do those sound right? Ive had good success with them, but there MIGHT be something better
1 SeaChem Reef Advantage (ive never used this is it good? Garf reccomended using it for every gallon of makeup water. The problem is theres more than one kind. Help!)
1 SeaChem reef builder.
reef janitors
1 timer (cheap walmart)
1 wavemaker for the 3 power heads (which is best?)
I think thats all.
I think im actually going to place a separate post for the actuall livestock. Thankyou to anyone who puts time into replying to this.