I've had a very nice sized(maybe 6-8 inch around) Briareum sp.(flourescent green star polyp)for close to 3 months now.....intially when I got it from the lfs it had obviousely been stressed and was not in the best of condition.....still I got it and gradually it recovered well enough that most of the time it was fully extended(encrusting sheet covered totally with polyps)......lately(for the past 4-5 weeks) it goes through periods where all or a majority of the polyps are closed...sometimes for a few days at a time......what little I know of this coral is from Sprungs "Corals of the World"...and from boards....it is under a combination of 260 watt pc/220 watt vho...current is fairly high(when polyps are extended they are very active)..all water chemistry is good(current-- ph-8.3..sg-1.024..ammonia-0..nitrate-5..temp-80-84calcium-425-450..alkalinity-3.5-4.25 meg/l ..there are no other corals near enough to inflect damage....but I do see my emeralds eating what appears to be a film from the encrusting sheet when the polyps are closed......just saw this a few minutes ago.....it is positioned med/high in the reef and gets good lighting..question is.......can someone give me additional info on this coral......is there something I'm missing or something more I can do....when extended and in good condition I really like this coral and I want to do all I can to improve and stabalise its condition.......