For what it's worth, the pics were taken from a 20 foot powerboat on a fishing expedition. The boat was captained by a veteran fishing guide. He claims to know the difference between makos and great whites. He claimed this was a great white.
Later the same day a large mako was caught in a "monster shark" fishing tournament in roughly the same area.
The aforementioned captain claimed it was not a mako that stole the striped bass. He said he knew a great white because of its "broad shoulders"
Another point; the captain and his clients claimed the "great white" was 18 feet, just a bit smaller than the boat they were standing on. Would a dolphin be that big? I don't know how large dolphins get.
Later the same day a large mako was caught in a "monster shark" fishing tournament in roughly the same area.
The aforementioned captain claimed it was not a mako that stole the striped bass. He said he knew a great white because of its "broad shoulders"
Another point; the captain and his clients claimed the "great white" was 18 feet, just a bit smaller than the boat they were standing on. Would a dolphin be that big? I don't know how large dolphins get.