Please check it out. I've put some time and effort in and can use the feedback. I am fairly pleased with the overall design and the site. Oh yea, its hand coded
Very nice looking site.. I especially like the introduction paragraph.. you dont often see it on personal reefsites, but it is akin to the "mission statement" on business sites and does a nice job of leading the visitor in with a bit of info..
Excellent job, bro..
The only suggestion I would make is MORE PICTURES of your beautiful tanks... I wanna see MORE!
PS- One or two more of your girlfriend in bikini wouldn't exactly ruin the site either..
Joe - Im moving to CT in August to go back to school, so Im handing over the reigns to Moe K. You should get in touch with him to set something up... BTW, here are some pics of my 40 gal breeder if you want to use any on your site..Talk to you soon -