Hi guys.. I'm setting up a 20 gallon (50-75% strength sea water) tank that I'm planning on using to raise mollies in for food. I'll rig up some sort of basket so that the adults are confined to about a 10 gallon area while the babies are free to roam the tank and don't get munched on.
Has anyone else done something similar? Just curious about what other people's experiences were and if it was worth the trouble. I like the idea of having access to fish fry as well as feeder fish that will last longer when they are placed in the display tank.. (Like for when I go out of town!)
Has anyone else done something similar? Just curious about what other people's experiences were and if it was worth the trouble. I like the idea of having access to fish fry as well as feeder fish that will last longer when they are placed in the display tank.. (Like for when I go out of town!)