Over the last 6 years I have order several fish and corals via the mail. I just set up a new 180. When I saw PW sale on Powder Blue and Purple Tangs I had to give it a shot. What I got was unreal quality. Fat and healthy. Packaging was as good as any I have seen. To make the order pay off I order 1 powder, 1 purple, 1 royal gramma, 3 yellow tail damsels, 2 cleaner shrimp. They threw in a bunch of snails for free as another deal. 1 shrimp was DOA. 1 damsel did not last 1 hour. The were out of Grammas. They credited my CC for the lost shrimp and damsel. Including shimping it cost me $121 for the two tangs, 1 shimp, 2 damsels and 2 snails. The tangs started eating within minutes after acclimation. Overall I was impressed and it was easy to do. I would not do it with their regular prices, but if they have things on sail that you would have bought anyway then get those and start adding on.