i'm looking for southdown sand. i've tried home depot in westland with no luck. they only carry play sand. if anyone knows a home depot that they've seen it at please let me know!
thank you!!!!
I tried looking about four months ago. I even asked HD corporate where the "closest" store was that carrieed SD. They said it was in Louisville, although I've read post that others have found it in Cleveland. I got tired of looking and the local HD's were of no help, so I ended up ordering directly from SouthDown. The shipping was expensive, something like $10 per bag, but I just got tired of spending so much time trying to track down some locally. Sorry, but I don't have the SD phone number. If you e-mail HD they can get it for you.
I had some shipped in from a home depot in Ohio. I still have a few bags left.
How many do you need? I might be able to talk with the girl who got it for me the first time.
If so I would like to know if anyone else need some.
It ended up costing me about $6 per bag
I could probably get one more order out of her before she stops