Mike is correct that the aposymbiotic varieties - i.e. no zooxanthellae are far more difficult to keep requiring regular and frequent feedings to last. Their nutritional needs may be difficult, if not impracticle for a captive system. The usual give-away is the color of the polyps themselves. If they are white or brightly colored, then they are aposymbiotic and will need to absorb their food directly. As Mike suggests, DT's and marine snow may help, but the bad news is that it may be too late already. As Borneman points out, gorgonians have been known to capture and ingest baby brine [Artemia nauplii]but they are frequenlty not digested and are expelled later. Paticulate matter is what they look for, so the marine snow might be your best hope. You've done well to keep it this long. The photosynthetic [symbiotic]varieties have polyps that are in the brown to beige range of colors. These are easier to keep, but need bright light and lots of flow perpendicular to the branches.
Hope it makes it!
[ July 23, 2001: Message edited by: reefworm ]
[ July 23, 2001: Message edited by: reefworm ]