I will be able to replace the lights. I have a typical black plastic cover with a built in piece of glass about 6" x 36" where the fluorescent lights go over. I just need to seal around the glass so I can keep the salt crystals away from the lights.
Sound like I can use regular silicone...thanks everyone. I was just a little worried about the possibility of poisoning my fish with regular silicone.
I bought some DAP silicone that said it was waterproof or something like that on the front, only to get home and read the back it said not for continuous underwater use. All Glass Aquarium makes silicone, you should be able to get it from your LFS or somewhere on line. HTH
I need to seal off a section of my cannopy so I don't get salt creep on my lights. Can I just use 100% silicone that you can get at any hardware store, or should I spend a small fortune and buy the marine silicone sold at fish stores. Is there any difference?
The purpose of the marine silicone, from what I understand, is to allow for continuous underwater use. I bought non-marine silicone to put baffles in my sump to route the water. The baffles are now coming out after 9 months.
So, it sounds like you can use normal silicone gel for what you plan on doing.