46 bow front, 20long sump, Berlin XL skimmer powered by Sen 900 pump, Sen 700 return, to a 1/2" Sea Swirl with 2 MaxiJet 1200's on a wave strip. Lighting- 2x175 watt MH with 12,000k sunburst bulbs on IceCap Ballasts. about 35 lbs Fiji Live rock in tank & 15 lbs in sump, 60 lbs very live Pink Carribian reef sand. Various Macros in sump, including wire algae, feather, racemosa, Prolifera, etc...
Live stock;
2 Ocellaris clowns,
1 sm. yellow tang,
1 Morrison dragonet
1 Trumpet
4 Red Frogspawn-1 is branching
1 Green Frogspawn-Branching
1 wells brain
1 Lobo brain
1 Blastomusa Merletti
1 Yellow Devils Hand
1 Toadstool
2 Lobo Leathers
1 Green Colt coral
1 Red Colt
3 Sarcophyton Elagans Frags (yellow Fiji Leathers)very small
Purple Tonga Mushrooms
Orange w/green tenticle zooanthids
Bright Green zooanthids
Blue zoothanthids
Black w/gold flecks w/purple bases Unidentified zooanthids
Green Sinularia
Unidentified finger leather small
1 Ultra Max Purple
1 Skumk Cleaner
1 Blood Shrimp
20 Scarlet hermits
40 Nassarius snails
3 turbo Snails
5 Astrea Snails
3 Trocus
Lots of Stometella snails
Various other unidentified algae eating snails
1 Queen Conch
1 Condy Anemone
1 Unidentified (received small frag from a friend, was brown starting to turn green) If someone know what it is please let me know!
Unidentified SPS
I think that's all for this tank.
[ October 13, 2001: Message edited by: Green Mariner ]
[ October 13, 2001: Message edited by: Green Mariner ]