Over the past week, I've noticed my mushroom anemones dying. They are disintegrating into brown slime. I've had these mushrooms for more than four years, and they have thrived in my tank over that time, to the point where they were in danger of crowding out the other corals. No longer.
The tank has gone through a number of changes during the past two weeks.
I've begun supplementing with calcium. I have not done this until just recently. I am using Bio-Calcium by Tropic Marin. It is not supposed to change the pH. I am using as directed.
I have an Ich problem in my tank, so I began using Ruby Reef's Kick-Ick five days ago (mushrooms began dying three days ago)
I also recently added a flower anemone. This anemone went in also about the time that the shroom die off began. But how would the anemone kill shrooms that are not nearby it?
My tank is a 20g reef. 23# LR, DSB, 5.5 watt light/gallon (1 day/1 actinic PC), CPR Bak Pak skimmer, 1 powerhead/med flow. Livestock: 1 bicolor blenny, 1 cleaner shrimp, 3 scarlet hermits, 1 finger coral, 1 bubble, 1 cup, 1 open brain, and numerous dead or dying mushrooms (p.s. yesterday, while the mushrooms were dying, the other corals looked in great shape! So it appears that only the shrooms are affected.)
I've been been testing water quality every other day. I've had trouble with my ammonia test kit showing 0.25 ammonia, but it always shows this amount, even right after doing 1/3 tank water change. I think this is the baseline reading (test is Red Sea fish pHarm). All other water params normal.
I did a 1/3 water change two weeks ago, 1/4 four days ago, and another 1/3 today.
I think the problem is the Kick-Ick. I noticed that other "Reef Safe" ich meds warn against using with anemones, mushrooms, and starfish. This product had no such warning, but I think that it should!
The tank has gone through a number of changes during the past two weeks.
I've begun supplementing with calcium. I have not done this until just recently. I am using Bio-Calcium by Tropic Marin. It is not supposed to change the pH. I am using as directed.
I have an Ich problem in my tank, so I began using Ruby Reef's Kick-Ick five days ago (mushrooms began dying three days ago)
I also recently added a flower anemone. This anemone went in also about the time that the shroom die off began. But how would the anemone kill shrooms that are not nearby it?
My tank is a 20g reef. 23# LR, DSB, 5.5 watt light/gallon (1 day/1 actinic PC), CPR Bak Pak skimmer, 1 powerhead/med flow. Livestock: 1 bicolor blenny, 1 cleaner shrimp, 3 scarlet hermits, 1 finger coral, 1 bubble, 1 cup, 1 open brain, and numerous dead or dying mushrooms (p.s. yesterday, while the mushrooms were dying, the other corals looked in great shape! So it appears that only the shrooms are affected.)
I've been been testing water quality every other day. I've had trouble with my ammonia test kit showing 0.25 ammonia, but it always shows this amount, even right after doing 1/3 tank water change. I think this is the baseline reading (test is Red Sea fish pHarm). All other water params normal.
I did a 1/3 water change two weeks ago, 1/4 four days ago, and another 1/3 today.
I think the problem is the Kick-Ick. I noticed that other "Reef Safe" ich meds warn against using with anemones, mushrooms, and starfish. This product had no such warning, but I think that it should!