<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Leonard:
<STRONG>Nitrification/Denitrification 101
Nitrogen processing is performed by different species of bacteria, each responsible for particular conversions. A few genus (e.g. Nitrobacter, Nitrosoma, etc.) have been identified (NB initially isolated and identified for freshwater); countless others have not.
Nitrogenous waste (given off by decaying matter, fecal excrements, etc.) eventually form ammonia (NH4). The process of oxidizing nitrogen from ammonia (NH4) to nitrite (NO2) to nitrate (NO3) is called
nitrification, and, like any oxiditive process, requires oxygen. Because nitrification is an aerobic process, it occurs near the surface of substrates (rock or sandbed), where the exposed areas are oxygen rich.
As you go deeper in the substrate, oxygen becomes more scarce. At a given threshold, oxygen becomes depleted from the immediate environment, and the environment is termed anoxic (void of oxygen). In these anoxic areas, a seperate process occurs, called
denitrification. Denitrification, unlike nitrification, is an anaerobic process (without oxygen). The process of dentrification can be performed by various bacterial species, and most commonly results in the formation of nitrogen gases N & N2, or nitrous oxide (NO).
Interesting tidbits:
1. Nitrification and denitrification are two independent processes.
2. Nitrication is part of the nitrogen cycle. The nitrogen cycle is the pathways for which nitrogen travels (recycled) without a given environment. Dentrification is not part of the nitrogen cycle.
3. Denitrification is the process of removing nitrogen from the immediate environment, and does not necessarily mean nitrate reduction.
4. Denitrifiation requires a molybdenum-based enzyme to serve as a catalyst for the conversion process. I postulate that for this reason alone, aragonite sandbeds (which contain molybdenum) are very valuable sources for dentrification.
Back to the topic ...
As orgnanic matter decays, nitrogen is released back into the water as dissolved nitrogen. Because of osmotic gradients, this water slowly seeps down into the deepest of substrates, where it is processed in the journey downwards. As stated, it is nitrified at the top strata where oxygen is present, and as nitrification's byproducts (namely nitrate) slowly works their way further down, they are denitrified in the anoxic stratas.
A completely closed biome that is purely aerobic, with nitrogenous inputs (mostly from feedings) will result in high levels of nitrate (the end product of nitrication). As we all know, high nitrate levels can be toxic to invertebrates. So we look for ways to alleviate NO3 buildup.
Methods of reducing nitrate buildup:
1. Water volume exchange. This dilutes the nutrient levels in our tank.
2. Reduce nitrogen input. This primarily means reduced feeding.
3. Removal of nitrogenous products from the water column via chemical filtration. Protein skimming, granular activiated carbon, and ozone are examples.
4. Denitrification. This is by far the easiest, most complete, and least stressful of the methods.
Now, nitrification is easy to accomplish: throw in oxygen, nitrogenous waste, and water, and it'll happen. As previously mentioned, what ends up is a buildup of it's end-product, nitrate. Denitrification, however, is much trickier because the process is obligatory anaerobic. Therefore, we do not want all the available surface area to be aerobic, or otherwise wet/dry's would suffice. What we're striving for in our closed reefs is a balance of nitrification and denitrification. Better put, we're looking for the balance of aerobic, nitrifying bacteria populations, and anaerobic, denitrying bacteria populations. Rocks and shallow sand beds accomplish the former. Dense rock and deep sand beds accomplish the latter.</STRONG><HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
WE know who has a Ph.D