It's interesting that we say this fish or that fish will be destructive in a reef tank.
To a ceratin degree, I agree, in that keeping a large obligate corallivore in a 75 gallon sps tank is asking for trouble.
But how many of you have actually tried some of the other butterflies?
How many of you have actually placed a C. collare, or rainfordi or a semilarvatus in a 120G reef tank, and left it there?
It was not so long ago that Angels were forbidden in a reef tank. They seem to be pretty common these days.
I toy with the idea of adding a B'fly that is one of the more omnivorous sp.
Sure, it will nip at this and that, maybe kill an entire colony of something, but you would end up with a far more natural reef tank, and after all, isn't that what most of us strive for.The corals will adjust, and grow accordingly, heck they may even grow faster to accomodate the picking.
I think it could be very interesting, and the results might be quite surprising.