You know what, Another reason the corals could have looked so blue, is for the first two weeks setting up a bulletproof, they leave only the actinics on 24 hours a day.
Also, for all the people who dont think that just the 3 HO bulbs wont work, It says in the setup guide, the HO bulbs are only meant to be used for the first 6months, then VHOs are addeds, and SPS. Also after 6 months, a protein skimmer is added. I see nothing different than a JAubert plenum or whatever. Its just a 55 with a Plenum from corals and clams, (1-800-499-9040) which is custom for bullet, and some power heads, VHOs and a protein skimmer. The only real difference is how it is setup. IE, running the plenum as a undergravel filter for a while (good idea?) and using lower bulbs to grow coraline (which is close to the thought that, a cycling tank should be covered)
I too am setting a bullet proof tank up right now. Im using the custon plenum, an ICECAP 660 for the HO bulbs(then in 6months, all Ill have to do is replace the bulbs with VHOs) the 55, stand, canopy, some powerheads and the garf grunge, and some aragoncreate!
Ill keap you posted. Hopefully one of us will have some luck! (PS when i post my pictures with my new dig. camera, NO PHOTOSHOPING WILL BE USED!!!!)