I recieved my koralin 1502 today and got it all set up and come to find the seal where one of the tubes enters the chamber leaks horribly. Upon inspection I can see a visible hole. what a drag I contacted the company and they said I have to ship them back the old lid and give them a tracking number before they send me a new one. Seems like they should send me a new one and upon arrival I should send the other back IMO. Hope I dont have to go through to much hell I mean hassle to get everything together or I will definately give the name of the company as they are a sponsor of this board.
I just want things to go smoothly thats all. I spent a lot of money on the reactor and feel I should get my moneys worth. Anyways I've vented enough here thanks.
I just want things to go smoothly thats all. I spent a lot of money on the reactor and feel I should get my moneys worth. Anyways I've vented enough here thanks.