I feed "homebrew", Form. 1, and Aqua Yums variety. The alternation goes: Form. 1=8:30 am, "homebrew"=4:00pm, Aqua Yums Var.=8:00pm. All foods are supplemented with Selcon, Zoecon, and Zoe. I never feed flakes, b/c i believe it's not as natural as frozen foods (the occassional flake feeding is permitted, but why get into reefkeeping if you don't have the time???).
I believe and have read many times that young clowns need several feedings during the day. So 2 times minimum daily. To make it easier for the clown to feed, suction the food into a syringe. You can find them at your LFS and they are relatively inexpensive. This will break up the food nicely.
As for treats, i occassionally throw in some minced dinner shrimp, minced beemoths, or cultured minced redworms. (A little food that doesn't originate from the ocean won't hurt)