But you may have. He's about 2 1/2 inches across, very shy and so far I've not seen him nip at any coral or take one of my snails or hermits. Any ideas?!
It took me awhile to figure out that was a picture of a crab 'cause the picture was so big and close up. With all the genus and species of crabs it's possible you'll never get a positive ID. My general rule is leave it, target feed and watch for any damage and only then remove it.
I had two in my tank, without any problems, they're more active at night, had a major incident with my tank a few weeks ago,electrocution, and havent seen either one since.....miss the little buggers
It has claws bigger than its body. There are only a few functions that would require claws to be bigger than your body. One of which would be squishing little fishy's heads. I personally wouldn't trust it, i bought a "reef safe" emerald and it trashed my goinopora. Pitty its such a lovely crab. Maybe you could try putting temptation in its way, test it out before it does anything sereous.
I had a couple of them that looked very similar. At night they tried to catch my chromis. I had a heck of a time removing them. I still have one left, must be the smart one...
In several fields that I am aware of, the phrase "better safe than sorry" applies, such as bomb detecting, hazardous waste spills and does that water have alligators? I might add hitchhiking crabs with big claws to that list.